Missouri PQC
This educational activity is jointly provided by AXIS Medical Education and Missouri Hospital
Association in collaboration with The Missouri perinatal Quality Collaborative
Obstetric Hemorrhage: A Two – Part Series on Improving Quantification of Blood
Loos (QBL) Measurement and Hemorrhage Response
Part 1: QBL Terms and Techniques
Thursday , September 19th from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. CT
Part 2: QBL Implementation , Integration , and Toolkits for Implementation
Thursday , September 28th from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. CT
Featured Speaker: Eboni C. January , MD, FACOG
Description: These educational activities will address the evidence – based practice of Quantification of Blood Loos for early recognition and response to Obstetric Hemorrhage including techniques and toolkits for process implementation and integration into clinical practice .
Learning Objectives for QBL Terms and Techniques:
- Define Quantification of Blood Loss (QBL).
- Review measurement techniques for the quantification and cumulation of blood loos .
- Explain the importance of Quantification of blood loos for recognition and response to obstetric hemorrhage.
Learning Objects for QBL Implementation , integration , and Toolkits for Implementation:
- Describe components of successful QBL implementation.
- Describe team process for integrating QBL techniques into clinical workflow.
- Examine available toolkits for QBL Implementation.
Target Audience: Maternal healthcare workers including physicians , Nurse Practitioners certified Nurse Midwives , Nurse , Physician Assistants , Pharmacists , Surgical Technologists , CNAs , Doulas and Community Healthcare Workers
CE Available for: Physicians , Physician Assistants , Nurse Practitioners , Nurse and Pharmacists