Food for diabetes and high blood pressure

In 2015, 18 million deaths were caused by heart diseases. The most substantial risk factors for heart disease include hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and smoking. Therefore, the #1 cause of death is preventable through lifestyle changes, which can be tackled by knowing the right food for diabetes and high blood pressure prevention and treatment.

This article will meticulously examine the best scientifically-based food for diabetes and high blood pressure. You will also learn some interventions that can be added to food to make you live the life you want! 

What foods prevent hypertension?


If people knew the benefits of garlic, they would have planted it in their houses! Garlic should be on the top of your food for diabetes and high blood pressure.

10 Studies have shown that garlic relaxes the blood vessels and can lead to low blood pressure1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. The magnitude varies, but it can be around 10 points for people with hypertension.

High cholesterol causes atherosclerosis and narrowing of the blood vessels supplying the heart. 10 high quality studies found that garlic damps down bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases the good cholesterol (HDL)11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,10

How to take garlic?

Here are the doses for garlic

17.0 grams for a 150lb person

 22.7 grams for a 200lb person

 28.4 grams for a 250lb person


Remember when your mom told you to consume vegetables? This is because they contain nitrates. 

Studies found that nitrate-containing vegetables decrease the risk of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer and death21.

5 studies found that Nitrates increase the level of nitric oxide (NO), which relaxes your blood vessels and lowers hypertension22, 23, 24, 25,26.

As an added bonus, nitrates are also responsible for erections, so you may want to consider them if you suffer from erectile dysfunction. A role of thumb: a healthy heart and blood vessels = pleasure for you and your partner!

How to take Nitrates?

440-870mg for a 150lb person

580-1,160mg for a 200lb person

730-1,450mg for a 250lb person

Not interested in taking it as a supplement? No problem! Here is a list of vegetables sorted by nitrate content (mg/100g)

Nitrate content Vegetables
Very high (250+) Turnip greens, dill, collard greens, arugula/rocket
High (100 to <250) Watercress, turnips, chard, swiss, spinach, parsley, beetroot, kale, lettuce, celeriac


What are the best foods to eat to prevent diabetes?


Randomized control trials found that grains, vegetables, and fruits decrease the risk of diabetes:27

Legumes, grains, and nuts provided the best fasting blood sugar reduction

Vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, and fish improved insulin sensitivity the most

Legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and Grains provided the most significant blood sugar reductions in HbA1c tests 



Berberine for diabetes is similar to garlic for hypertension. It should be on the top of your food for diabetes and high blood pressure.

4 studies found that Berberine provided a reduction in blood glucose levels that is comparable to oral hypoglycemic medications! 28, 29, 30, 31

How to take Berberine?

The dose is 800-2,000mg/day divided into three doses. You should take it with a meal or shortly after.

Salacia reticulata

3 studies found that Salacia reticulata decreases blood glucose by preventing carbohydrates absorption. The standard dose results in 20-25% inhibition of carbohydrate absorption.32, 33, 34 

How to take Salacia reticulata?

The standard oral dose is 240-1,000mg, with the higher dose being used more frequently for lowering carbohydrates absorption from the intestines.

How can I control my blood sugar and high blood pressure naturally?

In addition to the mentioned food for diabetes and high blood pressure, here is a list of some other interventions:

  1. Exercise daily
  2. Weight loss
  3. DASH diet
  4. Reduced salt intake
  5. Avoid refined carbohydrates
  6. Quit smoking
  7. Reduce alcohol intake

